Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Are Infants More At Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes Essay

Question 1: Why is type two diabetes an issue in our community? Question 2: What is the biology (science) behind type-2 diabetes? Research question: Are premature babies more at risk of developing type-2 diabetes? There are 350 million sufferers of type-2 diabetes worldwide; New Zealand has the third highest rate of obesity and contributes to this concern. Type-2 diabetes is a concerning even more, its an increasing issue in our New Zealand community. In 2006 the Ministry of Social Development surveyed a sample of male, female adults and children to see what percentage of them were classified as obese. In 2006-2007 at least 25% of the sample of adults were classified as obese whereas 6-8% of children were also classified. By 2013/2014 there was a 3.3 percentage increase in male samples and a 2.8 percent increase in the female sample of classified obesity. The sample of children all together increased by 8.0-8.8 percent. This shows us that gradually the communities classified obesity rate is increasing. Obesity is found to be a link to increasing the risk of developing type-2 diabetes. 90% of diabetic patients are classified as obese. It is evident that as the obesity rate has raised in New Zealand so has the risk of type-2 diabetes. In addition, in the New Zealand community a fast food place is easy to access . New Zealand, along with Australia, is classified as a more mature fast food market. However, the overall fast food consumption is extremely high in correspondenceShow MoreRelatedGestational Diabetes : The Prevalence Of Gestational Obesity932 Words   |  4 PagesGestational Diabetes in Pregnancy According to the American Diabetes Association, the  prevalence  of gestational diabetes is as high as 9.2% in pregnant women due to obesity or being overweight. Not only can it be harmful to the mother, but it can also be harmful to her baby. 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