Monday, December 30, 2019

What to See in Texas for Architecture Enthusiast

Denison, Texas, on the border with Oklahoma, would have remained a sleepy little railroad town if it hadnt been for Dwight David Eisenhower being born there. The Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site is just one of the many out-of-the-way places to visit in Texas.The home state of former Presidents Bush and Bush (father and son) has a lot more than oil and cattle fields. For travelers who are architecture enthusiasts, heres a selection of historic buildings and innovative new construction in Texas. Visiting Houston The Transco Tower, the 1983 landmark skyscraper designed by Philip Johnson, is now known as the Williams Tower, the tallest skyscraper in town. Another skyscraper designed by Johnson and his partner  John Burgee is the building now known as the Bank of America Center, a 1984 example of playful postmodernism. Houston has historic skyscrapers from the 1920s and a Hilton designed by Pritzker Laureate I.M. Pei. NRG (Reliant) Park, including the Houston Astrodome and Reliant Stadium, is the place to see the worlds first domed sports stadium. Rice University Stadium on the campus of Rice University remains one of the best examples of a modern, open-air football arena. Visiting Dallas – Fort Worth Big D architecture is historic, cultural, and truly an American melting pot experience. The Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge over the Trinity River was designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas helped designed a fully adaptable, modern theatre space called the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre. In 2009 the British architect Sir Norman Foster created a high-tech, traditional venue for the Arts District when he designed the Winspear Opera House. Chinese-American I.M. Pei designed Dallas City Hall. The Perot Museum of Nature and Science was designed by another Pritzker-winner, American architect Thom Mayne.   The George W. Bush Presidential Library was designed by postmodernist architect Robert A.M. Stern. Frank Lloyd Wrights last home constructed before his death was the John A. Gillin House, but that is not Wrights only mark on Dallas — the Kalita Humphreys Theater, also known as the Dallas Theater Center, was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, who reportedly said, This building will one day mark the spot where Dallas once stood. History swirls near Dealey Plaza as the place in Dallas where President John Kennedy was assassinated; Philip Johnson designed the JFK Memorial. Outside activities in Dallas can revolve around the Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas — or any number of activities in the historic art deco buildings at Fair Park. Multi-cultural artist Volf Roitman brought a new style of art to Dallas, an international movement known as MADI (Movement Abstraction Dimension  Invention). Its bold geometric forms are on display at the Museum of Geometric and MADI Art.   The MADI is the only museum dedicated to MADI art and the primary point of focus for the MADI movement in the United  States. Pronounced mah-DEE, MADI is a modern art movement known for bright colors and bold geometric forms. In architecture, sculpture, and painting, MADI art uses abundant circles, waves, spheres, arches, spirals, and stripes. MADI ideas are also expressed in poetry, music, and dance. Playful and exuberant, MADI art focuses on objects rather than what they mean. The whimsical combinations of shapes and colors are abstract and free of symbolic meanings. Bill and Dorothy Masterson, lifelong supporters of the arts, were fascinated when artist Volf Roitman introduced them to the colorful and exuberant MADI movement. The Mastersons became avid collectors of MADI art works and spent time with the movements founder, Carmelo Arden Quin. When Mr. Mastersons law firm moved to a 1970s storefront building, the Mastersons decided to convert the first floor into an art museum and gallery devoted to MADI art. The building faà §ade, designed by Volf Roitman, became a celebration of MADI with geometric forms laser-cut out of galvanized, cold-rolled steel and powder coated in bright colors. The colorful panels are permanently bolted to the existing building. Roitmans convex-concave shapes and playful designs created a luscious, almost baroque skin for the once plain, two-story building. The landscape, furnishings, and lighting also reflect Roitmans MADI-ist ideas. Visiting San Antonio The Alamo. Youve heard the phrase, Remember the Alamo. Now visit the building where the infamous battle took place. The Spanish Mission also helped to give rise to the Mission Style of home design. La Villita Historical District is an original Spanish settlement, bustling with shops and artisan studios. San Antonio Missions. Missions San Jose, San Juan, Espada, and Concepcion were built over the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Spanish Governors Palace. Constructed in 1749, the building was the Governors Place when San Antonio was the capital of Texas. Visiting College Station George Bush Library, Presidential Library of the forty-first President of the United StatesCollege of Architecture, Texas A M UniversityThe Texas AM Bonfire Memorial: A memorial stands where once twelve students lost their lives and many more were injured as they built a Bonfire before a football game. Learn about a tradition gone wrong. Also in Texas You cannot go inside these privately owned homes, but Texas is filled with interesting residences worthy of drive-by photography: Amarillo: Sterling Kinney House by Frank Lloyd WrightBunker Hill: William L. Thaxton Jr. House by Frank Lloyd Wright Plan Your Texas Itinerary For tours of historic Texas architecture, visit the National Register of Historic Places. Youll find maps, photographs, historical information, and travel recommendations. Source Photo of the MADI Museum and Gallery Building at Dusk  © Volf Roitman

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Gaming Communities And The Gaming Community - 2403 Words

Title: Gaming communities Name: Subject Name: Instructor’s Name: Date: Gaming community is a type of community whose members have a common interest. Gaming community is contrary to social communities where members may exhibit different interests. Over time, computer games have grown contributing greatly to the growth of online gaming communities. In this regard, these gaming communities may be divided into two; game specific community and general gaming community (Ahmed, 2010). Game-specific communities mainly focus on a particular single game. Everything in this community is specific to that particular single game. Therefore, discussions in these forums tend to be more specific and related to a particular game. On the other hand, general gaming community encompasses various games in one forum. This type of the gaming community tends to attract many members who can then engage on a general discussion on various games. In this kind of communities, it is also common to find demo games presented before the real game is played. With time passing on, the num ber of gaming community members is increasing throughout the world (Herald, 2014). According to Victorian Casino and Gaming Authority (1997), this gaming community operates on a number of ways. In every gaming community, there are three basic features of a gaming community within which it derives its method of operation. They include chats, forums and profiles. Just like any other software product. Before individualsShow MoreRelatedGaming as a Community978 Words   |  4 PagesGaming as a Community Now that technological companies all over the world have set most of the seven billion individuals in the world with a computer, smartphone or tablet, it is time for better software to use with them. This is where games come in. Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello stated in a recent interview that PC gaming is the ‘fastest growing platform’. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Is Google Making Us Stupid Free Essays

â€Å"The Internet, an immeasurably powerful computing system, is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies. It’s becoming our map and our clock, our printing press and our typewriter, our calculator and our telephone, and our radio and TV,† Writes Nicholas Carr in his article, Is Google Making Us Stupid? In Carr’s article, he examines the controversial issue of whether the intensive use of the Internet affects the human mind. Today, the Internet has become apart of and has affected a myriad amount of homes all around the world. We will write a custom essay sample on ï » ¿Is Google Making Us Stupid? or any similar topic only for you Order Now From social networking, research, and even online shopping, the Internet is the main used device everywhere. When it comes to the Internet, the one thing that immediately comes to mind is the most common search engine, Google. Google is the most common multilingual and used search engine in the worldwide web, handling more than three billion searches each day. Many people think of Google as a gateway to the entire Internet. Google helps people to get answers to questions without intellectually challenging themselves. This search engine has helped, and still does, many people around the world to research articles, tools for business; to contact one another, and many other life-applied sources in less than 1 second. Having Google grant us an effortless method in researching essentially anything helps us become unintelligent or in other words, stupid. The Internet is filled with all sorts of different distractions, and we all have a harder time with distractions. The information that we â€Å"learn† through the Internet helps us forget as we get older, and the Internet will only make it worse. These days it is indeed much easier to find information by searching online to get the answer or solution. Before Google was created, it was more challenging to research information by reading through encyclopedias or dictionary’s. In my opinion, researching by this method would help us gain more knowledge towards our lives. The effort given into researching through textbooks about the topic vs. using Google does help us gain more knowledge by helping memorize and understand the topic more efficiently and clearly. As in school for researching to prove a specific topic, teachers occasionally have a preference of not using a search engine since we never know what is true and to avoid plagiarism. Google on the other hand, would give us the answer even in detail, but we do not know if it is the right answer. Everything on the Internet is not always true. Google can, as well, make us intelligent. To become universally familiar with technology and how it is improving everyday can help us all with our lives in the future. For simple questions in areas like cooking, or safety, Google being available at the tip of our fingers is much more convenient to find and look for answers online than going to the library and use their dictionary’s every time. Having Google be there for us tends to lead us all in situations of procrastination, too. In Carr’s article, he writes about Google, †The Company has declared that its mission is â€Å"to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful. † It seeks to develop â€Å"the perfect search engine,† which it defines as something that â€Å"understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want. † Having Google advancing more and more each day, adding more information, answering numerous amounts of questions, Google can also help us become more intelligent. In conclusion, the Internet is the most popular device, which is, used daily by millions and millions of people around the world. Google is the most used search engine over the world. This search engine helps us all become both unintelligent and intelligent. Google does help us become unintelligent by being filled with all sorts of distractions like social medias. But, Google does also help others to be intelligent by convenience and learning about the advancing technology. How to cite ï » ¿Is Google Making Us Stupid?, Papers ï » ¿Is Google Making Us Stupid Free Essays â€Å"The Internet, an immeasurably powerful computing system, is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies. It’s becoming our map and our clock, our printing press and our typewriter, our calculator and our telephone, and our radio and TV,† Writes Nicholas Carr in his article, Is Google Making Us Stupid? In Carr’s article, he examines the controversial issue of whether the intensive use of the Internet affects the human mind. Today, the Internet has become apart of and has affected a myriad amount of homes all around the world. We will write a custom essay sample on ï » ¿Is Google Making Us Stupid? or any similar topic only for you Order Now From social networking, research, and even online shopping, the Internet is the main used device everywhere. When it comes to the Internet, the one thing that immediately comes to mind is the most common search engine, Google. Google is the most common multilingual and used search engine in the worldwide web, handling more than three billion searches each day. Many people think of Google as a gateway to the entire Internet. Google helps people to get answers to questions without intellectually challenging themselves. This search engine has helped, and still does, many people around the world to research articles, tools for business; to contact one another, and many other life-applied sources in less than 1 second. Having Google grant us an effortless method in researching essentially anything helps us become unintelligent or in other words, stupid. The Internet is filled with all sorts of different distractions, and we all have a harder time with distractions. The information that we â€Å"learn† through the Internet helps us forget as we get older, and the Internet will only make it worse. These days it is indeed much easier to find information by searching online to get the answer or solution. Before Google was created, it was more challenging to research information by reading through encyclopedias or dictionary’s. In my opinion, researching by this method would help us gain more knowledge towards our lives. The effort given into researching through textbooks about the topic vs. using Google does help us gain more knowledge by helping memorize and understand the topic more efficiently and clearly. As in school for researching to prove a specific topic, teachers occasionally have a preference of not using a search engine since we never know what is true and to avoid plagiarism. Google on the other hand, would give us the answer even in detail, but we do not know if it is the right answer. Everything on the Internet is not always true. Google can, as well, make us intelligent. To become universally familiar with technology and how it is improving everyday can help us all with our lives in the future. For simple questions in areas like cooking, or safety, Google being available at the tip of our fingers is much more convenient to find and look for answers online than going to the library and use their dictionary’s every time. Having Google be there for us tends to lead us all in situations of procrastination, too. In Carr’s article, he writes about Google, †The Company has declared that its mission is â€Å"to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful. † It seeks to develop â€Å"the perfect search engine,† which it defines as something that â€Å"understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want. † Having Google advancing more and more each day, adding more information, answering numerous amounts of questions, Google can also help us become more intelligent. In conclusion, the Internet is the most popular device, which is, used daily by millions and millions of people around the world. Google is the most used search engine over the world. This search engine helps us all become both unintelligent and intelligent. Google does help us become unintelligent by being filled with all sorts of distractions like social medias. But, Google does also help others to be intelligent by convenience and learning about the advancing technology. How to cite ï » ¿Is Google Making Us Stupid?, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Underlying Cause Liquidation Can Attributed-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Underlying Cause Liquidation Can Attributed? Answer: Introduction With the due passage of time there has been major liquidation of companies in Australia. The major among them are HIH Insurance, OneTel and ABC learning. The notable differences among all the three have been the liquidity crunch owing to a huge burden of debt and a complete disturbance in the ethics. The liquidity crunch together with the improper governance played a leading role in the liquidation. In short, it can be said that liabilities was the major factor that led to the downfall of all the companies. It needs to be noted that when the debt of the company stretches over a particular limit then the business faces immense problem. Moreover, if the business does not have proper liquidity to meet the obligations then liquidation is bound to happen. In the report below, the major highlight of study will be on liabilities that led to the liquidation of the companies. Analysis OneTel is one of the largest telecommunication companies based in Australia that encountered liquidation owing to improper measures and ineffective developments throughout its operations. Furthermore, the company also failed to implement effective corporate governance strategies into its affairs that enhanced more of its complications. For instance, internal control mechanisms, inefficient audit processes, etc are some of the inefficacies that prevailed within the companys operations that resulted in its downfall. HIH Insurance Ltd encountered the same situation in the year 2001 even though it was considered as one of the biggest companies that had a massive base of assets. In the year 2001, owing to maximized liabilities and debts, the company failed to repay its obligations with its base of assets, as it was immensely burdened by such obligations. Besides, it was also observed that because of inadequate knowledge and interpretation in association with business risks, the company fa iled to sustain in the market. Other issues like improper managerial practices, fraud, etc also played a role in degrading the companys position (Heeler, 2009). Thus, both these companies encountered liability issues that were the major reason behind their downfall. With the help of this report, the exact complexities have been discussed for a better understanding of this context. Issues in corporate financial reporting Financial reporting must be done in a way that it presents a true and fair view of the companys performance. However, in relation to OneTel, such reporting requirements were not properly complied as many financial reports like the debtors reports and trial balance were verified unprofessionally (Sawyer, 2003). Besides, the finance director of the company was proved incapable of assessing such reports for the benefit of the company as a whole. This proves that the management was hardly concerned about the companys reputation and hence, these resulted in the appearance of significant risks within the companys affairs (Heeler, 2009). This also highlights the inappropriate strategies within the companys affairs that resulted in its disintegration. On a whole, the major reason behind the low-income level of OneTel can be attributed to its adoption of accrual system of accounting in a traditional sense. In simple words, since the strategy was outdated, it failed to generate an influence up on the company. Major cause behind liquidation Increment in liabilities Since HIH Insurance was one of the biggest companies, its main objective was to diversify its business across the entire world so that it can fetch enhanced revenues to the company. However, the company in order to fulfill its vision enhanced its liabilities more than its assets that created major complications for it. The company thought that the ratio of its takeover to its liabilities was of no importance but this was not the actual scenario. As a matter of fact, the strategy of takeover only played a key role in disintegrating the company (Westfield, 2011). Besides, the company initiated no attempts to change the additional provisions based on market fluctuations. Moreover, it had the opportunity to control the same and yet it failed to do so. This sheds light upon the ineffective management standards within the company that failed to rectify its inaccuracies. In short, the management and the ethics situation was weak thereby leading to major concern in the system. Future claims This reason also resulted in the downfall of HIH Insurance because proper tuning for future claims is vital for the survival of a company and yet, HIH failed to do so. As a result, the company witnessed a negative trend of 1.7% that played a key role in disintegrating it. Moreover, the major reason behind such weak strategy can be attributed to the ineffective management measures for changing strategies based on market fluctuations. This resulted in an increment of liabilities and since no verification measures were implemented by the management, the situation became worse. Further, it is well known that based on market fluctuations, insurance companies may get affected and adoption of adequate safety measures can assist in safeguarding such situations but the management of HIH failed to adopt such strategy. On a whole, the dominance of HIH in the insurance market and its major takeover attempt resulted in the generation of major risks that caused its downfall. Secretive plans The plan of cost cutting came out to be an excellent opportunity for HIH but it also resulted in the increment of liabilities. Besides, such an opportunity could have assisted it in making up its losses for the future. However, the management did not adopt such measure and instead decided to portray fraudulent statements so that it could grant additional power to the company. The major reason behind the portrayal of fraudulent statements was to conceal financial secrets from the common public and the management thought that the takeover attempt could also be concealed from such a strategy, but this backfired the management and enhanced its complications more. Moreover, the statutory bodies had no idea about such a situation and it was implied that the company would adopt immoral activities especially when it had resulted in a situation of its disintegration. Inadequate planning process Since the process of the takeover was going to be a big one, accurate safety measures had to be adopted but HIH failed to do so. Besides, it was also compulsory to have effective strategies to overcome the issues of liabilities with the companys dominance but it was observed that the company entered the market with no prior research and professionalism. Furthermore, the company failed to adopt measures to restrict itself within a scope so that adequate provisions can be framed based on market fluctuations. This sheds light upon the inappropriate management practices within the company and the situation worsened when false statements were released for concealing facts. OneTels disintegration From the case of OneTel, it can be stated that handling of financial statements was not done properly and the management did not maintain significant reports like debtors aging report, trial balance, etc. Furthermore, since these financial statements were not given due priority by the management, it created major complications for the company. The most crucial factor that resulted in the low revenue figures for OneTel was the adoption of a conservative approach in its affairs. Besides, it implemented two basis alterations in its base policies. The first alteration was that no accounts were decided to be put up in contrast to the companys intangibles and secondly the deferred expenditure policy of the company was altered in the subsequent year. Owing to non-conservative policies of accounting, and decisions to write-off few subscriber acquisition expenses played a key role in the companys loss (Gilbert et. al, 2005). Besides, the auditors also issued a fraudulent report despite the fa ct that the management adopted unethical strategies. The means and mechanism of running the company was not ethical thereby was a big cause of worry. Such immoral activities on the part of auditors are very inappropriate and hence punishable by law. On a whole, all these scenarios played a pivotal role in hampering the companys operations, thereby resulting in its liquidation as a whole. This clearly emphasized that the company was running on poor ethics and that the very situation indicates that the governance was altogether disturbed hence; the management was doing the irrelevant activities (Manoharan, 2011). ABC Learnings disintegration The previously mentioned scenarios form the foundation for ABC Learning that has assisted it to develop in the market. However, ABC also pursued a weak management team that resulted in its downfall within a short span of time. The concept of weak management emphasize that the company had poor ethics and governance was faulty leading to major issues. Even though the company attained massive enhancement in the segment of growth and development, yet it failed to stabilize its affairs for a better future (CPA, 2012). Besides, the previously mentioned causes also assist in highlighting the disadvantages of a company that was once a massive company of Australia. A pioneer in the field yet ABC lacked the ethics and the management thereby leading to a big fall of the company (Kruger, 2009). In the year 2007, ABC Learning became insolvent and hence, it encountered massive losses in the subsequent year. Based on the financial statements of the year 2008, it can be observed that the auditor of the company incorporated impairment expenses amounting to $1.168 billion and a loss of $364 million on the majority disposal of the stake (Kruger, 2009). However, such losses enhanced more than what was expected, thereby resulting in the increment of liabilities. Such losses and debts played a key role in generating a liquidity scarcity that decreased the net assets of the company from $2.22 billion to $284.5 million (CPA, 2012). Besides, the complication enhanced when the administrators and creditors witnessed that the company possessed 30c and 40c each for the current assets for every dollar of its current liabilities. These issues clearly shed light why ABC Learning had to witness a downfall. Furthermore, such issues represent a current ratio of 0.3 and 0.4 and it is well known th at when the current ratio of a company is lesser than one, it signifies major liquidity problems encountered by the company. Besides, this also means that the company cannot repay its debt obligations in the future (Teen, 2012). The current ratio, as well as quick ratio of the company stood too low meaning that the company has liquidity woes (Gilbert et. al, 2005). Such a situation clearly indicates that liabilities were the major concern and ABC failed to address owing to a lack of liquidity. Conclusion It can be observed from the previously mentioned analysis that ABC Learning, OneTel, and HIH Insurance encountered disintegration even though they were highly developed companies in their respective segments. The major reason behind their downfall can be attributed to their ineffective corporate governance strategies and inadequate risk management approaches that resulted in their liquidation as a whole. In addition, the inadequacies on the managements part can also be highlighted with the help of this study. Even though the situation started to worsen, yet the management adopted secretive attempts to conceal relevant data instead of initiating safeguarding measures. The downfall of these companies started because of liquidation and the management failed to address the situation in an efficient manner. On a whole, effective corporate governance measures and other strong may have assisted in this scenario to address the situation. Hence, ethics and governance is the need of the hour a nd is highly needed in the light of the prevailing situation so that any adverse situation can be negated. References Cook, T 2001, Collapse of Australia's fourth largest telco adds to growing list of corporate failures, viewed 10 September 2017, CPA 2012, ABC learning collapse case study, viewed 10 September 2017 Gilbert, W. Joseph J Terry J. E., 2005, The Use of Control Self-Assessment by Independent Auditors, The CPA Journal, vol. 3, pp. 66-92 Heeler, D 2009, Audit Principles, Risk Assessment Effective Reporting, Pearson Press Kruger, C 2009, Lessons to be learnt from ABC collapse, viewed 12 September 2016, Kruger, C 2009, Numbers finally start to add up as operators go back to basics, viewed 12 September 2016, Manoharan, T.N., 2011, Financial Statement Fraud and Corporate Governance, The George Washington University. Sawyer, L 2003, Sawyer's Internal Auditing, Institute of Internal Auditors. Teen, M.Y 2012, The ABC of a corporate collapse, viewed 12 September 2016, Westfield, M 2003, HIH : The Inside Story Of Australia's Biggest Corporate Collapse, viewed 12 September 2016,